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Available lots
Lots Total area Bedrooms Veranda Price
Villa № 1 (3К) 212 m² 3 15 m² € 740,000 Download PDF
Villa № 2 (3К) 212 m² 3 15 m² € 750,000 Download PDF
Villa № 3 (3К) 212 m² 3 15 m² € 750,000 Download PDF
Villa № 4 (3К) 212 m² 3 15 m² € 750,000 Download PDF
Villa № 5 (3К) 212 m² 3 15 m² € 720,000 Download PDF
Villa № 6 (3К) 212 m² 3 15 m² € 720,000 Download PDF
Villa № 7 (3К) 212 m² 3 15 m² € 750,000 Download PDF
Villa № 8 (3К) 212 m² 3 15 m² € 720,000 Download PDF
Villa № 9 (3К) 212 m² 3 15 m² € 800,000 Download PDF
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